The Orders, Decorations and Medals of the Amirate of Bahrain

Bahrain flag

Links and other references


Ed Haynes supplied information on names/order of precedence and on medal ribbons, and Emmanuel Halleux provided images from his collection.

Grateful thanks to Medals of War and Morton & Eden, who have allowed use of pictures from their catalogue.


Antonio Prieto Barrio - Ribbons of Bahrain Page 1 - Page 2

Christopher J. Buyers - Royal Ark: Orders and Decorations of Bahrain

David Devine - Rusty Knight's Place: Bahrain

Ed Haynes IEPE Page of Bahrain (archived)

Ilja Repetski - World Awards: Bahrain

Eric Semon - Décorations de Bahrein

Yuri Yashnev - For Merit: Bahrain

Text References

Haynes, E.S. (n.d.). Medals of the Arab World Volume 1. In preparation.

World Medals Index ODM of Bahrain Ribbons Text List

Page last updated: 5 July 2017